The booking dateline of the next trip ends on:


The first trip closes in :


If you want to visit a place that resembles Hawaii, but without having to leave Europe, or even without leaving Spain, living an adventure in a group and in a motorhome, I present to you ...         

Wild Tenerife

By motorhome

Nature and adventure

Nature and adventure

Cities and culture

City and culture





Let’s see, 

Before going to Tenerife, Felipe, and I (Ana), were thinking of including an exotic destination in our travels. Besides, we had a few days of holiday and wanted to take advantage of it to visit the place.


But let's be clear, taking a trip to Indonesia, Thailand or Hawaii is very exotic, but it requires at least two weeks of availability to make the most of it.

Something we didn't have.


We had 8 days and wanted to make the most of it without wasting time on long plane journeys losing 2 extra days: one outbound and one return.


Think about it. We were going to spend more than 30 hours on a plane to travel around a country for 5 days.And if you add jet lag, that can leave you pretty exhausted for 2 to 6 days in the end…


Were we really going to enjoy ourselves or spend a large sum of money to come back even more tired?

So, we ruled it out. It was not an option. At least not for us.


Then, someone, I don’t remember who, told me that the Canary Islands are just wonderful and the possibility of visiting them any time of the year, due to their great climate.


I looked at the photos and thought "hey, this sounds amazing!"

And so, we said let's go to the Canaries.


Neither of us had ever been to any of the islands... so the question now was:


Which island do we choose?


We didn’t know which was the most attractive.


I asked several experienced travellers who had visited all the islands which one they would recommend to go to for the first time, and they all said in unison: 

"If this is your first time visiting the Canary Islands, you have to go to Tenerife."

OK, now we decided on the island, and then came the second question:


North or South?


Some said that if we were looking for a party atmosphere, the south was the right choice. Others said that if it was breathtaking scenery we were looking for, the north was where we should go.


And to be honest, we're not really into reserving a hotel, lying on a beach all day, going from restaurant to restaurant and ending the night at a club.

We wanted to see more, we wanted to get the essence of the island, to experience a bit of adventure.

So, staying in a hotel for the whole week was not an option for us.


And then we discovered that you could visit the entire island in just 8 days....

We decided on a road trip to Tenerife to get to know it all.

We snorkelled under giant cliffs, hiked near active volcanoes, wandered through fairytale forests, surfed waves on Hawaii-like beaches and bathed in natural pools formed by volcanic lava that appear and disappear depending on the tide.


In addition, we went from summer heat to a much cooler climate after driving just 8 kilometers. We ate in typical restaurants that are not like restaurants (Guachinches) tasting the typical Canarian food, which is delicious.


We loved the island, and we know that if you are looking for something different in Europe, you will love this place. 


Now, of course you can stay on a beach at a 5-star hotel for a whole week, sunbathing and drinking daiquiris and admiring your tan.

But.... by the second day of doing this, you may be getting bored and start climbing the walls. Then, you might need a different plan, with more action and adventure.  






But.... If you think that on the second day of doing this, boredom is going to get the better of you and you're going to be climbing the walls. You might need a plan with more action and adventure.


Well, we have organized a group trip by motorhome that might be of interest to you with a lot more fun than the plan above.


Here we present you with the Wild Tenerife itinerary by motorhome:

Itinerary: 8 days and 7 nights

Day 1

The one about "Oh, I'm so nervous!"

  • We arrive at Tenerife North airport, and we may even all be in the same mood: a bit excited, a bit nervous and eager to start the journey, so we will be off to pick up our tiny homes on wheels and start getting comfy.
  • The journey begins and we will go directly to the campsite. it is the perfect place for an evening that promises to be unforgettable. 

To start getting acquainted, we will play a game that will be different from the typical circle introductions, where everyone is watching you while you share your name and your preferences.

Don't worry! It's a game designed for everyone to have fun (even if you are very shy, I promise you will feel very comfortable).


It's designed to be as easy and enjoyable as possible, so you can connect with your group from the very beginning- it's a laugh-out-loud experience under the stars!

Day 2

The one to dive in!

  • Only if you are travelling on the date of the 25-45 years age group:  Let's see, if you are travelling by motorhome you have to try this activity, because you will feel the real "van life".

    We'll do a guided water activity for beginners where we'll fall in together and have a good laugh. If you're already an expert, don't worry, we'll have you covered. Can you guess what it's all about?

  • Only if you are travelling on the date of the 45+ group:  a We will take a leisurely two-wheel drive along the south coast of Tenerife to enjoy the day and stop to look at the wonderful Atlantic Ocean.

  • The afternoon will be freeYou can enjoy the south of the island as you wish, either visiting the largest water park in Europe on your own, relaxing on the beach, having a drink in one of the many beach bars in the area or visiting the Spanish Machu Picchu, the beautiful village of Masca.
Day 3

Moby dick's

  • Feel like you're in a Pirates of the Caribbean movie as you sail along the east coast of Tenerife, with a clear mission: whale and whale watching until you reach one of the most beautiful spots on the island, the most famous cliffs of Tenerife. Do you know which ones I mean? Where anyone who wants to can take a little bath.
  • This boat has a very curious technique for spotting cetaceans, they do it in a sustainable way so the animals are not stressed by our presence. Isn't that a great idea?
Day 4

Free day to try the camper world your way.

  • You can take the opportunity to go to some of the wonderful black beaches in the north, But you're going to have to put on your trainers - just like that!

    These are some of the most beautiful and wildest beaches in Tenerife, Be prepared because the access is not very easy, but in the end you will see that it is worth it. You will be able to enjoy a completely peaceful day where you can lie on black volcanic sand and enjoy the sound of the waves while you take it easy.
  • You could also eat in a different kind of “restaurant, a place you will only visit in the Canary Islands.
  • Or simply go on an adventure and see where the island winds take you.
Day 5

The one of the pool formed by lava

  • Remember the typical municipal swimming pool in your neighbourhood, the one you went to in your childhood? Well, this has nothing to do with it.

    Imagine a swimming pool that has sea water, that is literally in the sea, and that its structure is made of volcanic lava. It's difficult, I know. Tenerife has several, but this is the best and we are going to go.

  • You will get the afternoon free, to enjoy a stroll through one of the most picturesque villages on the island, Garachico.
Day 6

The one with a forest as old as time

  • We will enter one of Tenerife's relics, a subtropical Laurisilva forest more than 20 million years old. But that is not all.

    This site is very special because it is the place in Europe with the most endemic plant and animal species, i.e. species that live only in this forest.

Day 7

The one visiting an active volcano.

  • It’s time to visit Teide, the third tallest and most active volcano in the world and the highest peak in Spain.
  • For those in the 25-45 age group: nWe will venture up in a cable car over craters and rivers of solidified lava just before sunset.

    And then the magic will happen, because you will see one of the most incredible natural spectacles in the world.

     As the sun goes down, a giant shadow will be cast over the Atlantic Ocean in the form of a a perfect triangle.

    And you may think, well, I don't think it's so incredible, because yes, the Teide is triangular, and Tenerife is an island, it's normal that its shadow is cast over the sea.

    But the thing is that Teide is not triangularThis is the crux of the matter, this image is so surprising that even NASA itself wanted to write the explanation. Explanation that you will know and that you will see with your own eyes.

  • Only for the 45+ group:  we will carry out a magical activity, as we will climb up to the slopes of Teide at sunset to observe this wonder, but we will stay a little longer until the sun goes down and the stars appear.

    This is when we will do a night-time activity where we will see with our own eyes and with the help of a telescope one of the three best skies on earth for stargazing. One is in Chile, one is in Hawaii and one is there, where you will be. 

Day 8

The one when everyone wants to stay a bit longer.

  • In the morning, you will have the morning free, but you will have to save some time, as we will participate in a short game to conclude our trip and say goodbye to each other.

    It is possible that at this moment you are all very sensitive, and saying things like "wow... that was the bomb" and giving each other your contacts, and hugs here and hugs there, laughs here, tears there...

    But well, we'll have to pull ourselves together and be strong because one day we'll have to go home, won't we?

  • We will head back to the airport in Tenerife North, where we will say goodbye for good, taking memories and friendships with us until the next adventure.

*There may be a change in the order of the itinerary depending on the availability of activities and local bookings.

The most powerful part of this itinerary

Every day, when night falls, we will meet up to enjoy a joint dinner under the starry sky.


We will take advantage of this moment to disconnect under the moon and enjoy a good time in company remembering how good the day was.


And I stop here to emphasize this because this point by itself justifies the whole trip. 


  • Maybe if you ever thought that at this age it is very difficult to make friends (and you may have thought this even if you are 25 years old), but you will realise that you were wrong, because you will meet and discover some very nice people, with the same tastes as you, with whom you will laugh and have a great time. But not only that, you will also be in Tenerife, an absolutely incredible place.
  • You will feel like it’s a small world, as you will have friendships spread all over the earth.

*Of course, if one day you don't feel like having dinner with the group, feel free to do it with your partner or friends in your camper or wherever you like. We certainly don't force anyone to do anything they don't want to; however, the group has its own rhythm and it is recommended to follow it if you want to get the most of this adventure.

And finally, the icing on the cake and I'll stop. I'm serious. I swear.

If you decide to come on a trip with us, be prepared to receive a mysterious gift. But don't worry, it's not the regular cap, mug or backpack that ends up gathering dust in your wardrobe. No!


It's something you might have written down on your bucket list. And I assure you that most people have never done it.


Hey, it may happen that you are the exception, that you have already done it, no problem! Because you can repeat this incredible experience as many times as you want. And, believe me, the more you do it, the better you feel. 


So, what is it? 


Aah, that's a secret we keep like a grandmother keeps her cookie recipe.

But I'll give you a hint:  this gift may live more years than you.

OK, and now comes the moment you may have been waiting for. The price.

Drum roll....


Well, imagine that we have invested hundreds of hours to plan this, and in addition, we have added just a few more hours to polish some more details. In the end, we have added some 100 hours more to make sure to turn this trip into a unique experience.


The planning and research have been as difficult and intense as Sherlock Holmes' most difficult cases, where he had to spend weeks (or even months) to solve them.


If only for all this planning plus everything that is included on this trip (set up to just enjoy the adventure from your arrival), we could charge more than 2,200 euros per person, but don't worry, we won't do that.


But, before selling this trip to you, let me be clear, I'm not going to tell this will be the perfect trip, for that matter there are other agencies that promise you the trip of your dreams that may change your life forever and blah blah blah. I'll tell you the truth, on trips like these, issues can happen, especially when there are a lot of adventures involved.But…


1) The more organized, the fewer problems arise, that's textbook.


2) You will be accompanied by one or two trip coordinators who will be there to try to solve any problems that may occur, and to make sure that everyone is comfortable during the adventure. In addition, there will be local guides and specialists in all the activities we do.


And for this we could add 300 to 400 euros more to the price per person. That's a total of 2,600 euros each. But that is not what this trip is going to cost.


OK, all good, but tell me already, what's the price?


Well, okay, I'll tell you now... What a genius Jose Luis...


But first, let me tell you what's included in the price and what's not, and then I'll tell you right away.


  • A motorhome for 8 days.
  • 7 nights in campsites, motorhome areas or private areas.
  • All the excursions named in the itinerary.
  • Assistance from coordinators en route who will be part of the trip.
  • Coverage for damage to tires, windows, bodywork, and paint.
  • Welcome dinner.
  • A secret gift.

NOT included

  • Petrol. You will receive the camper van with a full tank of petrol and will have to return to the same level.


  • Meals, only the welcome dinner is included..
     In general we will give you free lunch time so that you can eat in your van or wherever you want.

So, although we could ask for a treasure for this trip because it is the only experience of its kind you will find on this wonderful island, prices start at 1430 euros per person, depending on the type of motorhome and the companions you bring. 

Dear adventurer, if you think that after all the effort you are putting into your work or whatever you are doing this year, you deserve fun and disconnection, choose your motorhome and gather your most intrepid friends, partners, or family members, and give yourself the joy of living an adventure that is going to be hard to forget my friend. 🚐💨

Choose the date and vehicle for your adventure.

Our trips are premium, each date is aimed for a different age group and there are two camper size models for you to choose the one that best suits you.
Trips of 2024
Date of travel:
10 - 17 July
  • Age: 45 years and over
  • Group: Minimum 5 campers
  • Travel status: Not available* Not available* Not available* Not available* Not available* Not available* Not available* Not available* Not available

*If you are interested in this route and you are over 45 years old, please write us an email to to notify you when we launch the next

Date of travel:
20 - 27 July
  • Age: 26 to 45 years old
  • Group: Minimum 5 campers
  • Travel status: Not available* Not available* Not available* Not available* Not available* Not available* Not available* Not available* Not available

*If you are interested in this route and you are BETWEEN 26 and 45 years old, write us an email to to notify you when we launch the next


*If you are interested in this route, please send us an email to to notify you when we launch the next

FAQs: Frequently asked questions and answers

Vehicles must be driven by the passengers themselves. There must be at least one driver for each vehicle, who must have a minimum age of 26 years and a class B driving licence (the same as that used to drive a car).

On the journey we will cover a total of approximately 500 kilometers, which is equivalent to driving a total of about 8 hours around the island, or an average of 1 hour per day.

The motorhomes are private, i.e. you will only share them with your partner or the friends and family you bring on the trip.

All travelers should bring their passport or ID card, as they will need them to enter some monuments and tourist attractions.

In addition, drivers must bring a valid driving license.

  • A motorhome for 8 days.
  • 7 nights in campsites, motorhome areas or private areas.
  • All the excursions named in the itinerary.
  • Assistance from coordinators en route who will be part of the trip.
  • Coverage for damage to tires, windows, bodywork, and paint.
  • Welcome dinner.
  • A secret gift.

The trip does NOT include:

  • Petrol, although the tank is delivered full, it must be delivered full. We will travel a total of approximately 500 kilometres and each motorhome has an average fuel consumption of 10-12 litres per 100 kilometres travelled. In other words, you will spend between 50-60 litres of petrol on the journey (not counting what you spend on your own).
  • Meals, only the welcome dinner is included. In general we will give you free lunch time so that you can either eat in your van wherever you want, as you will have everything you need in your vehicle to cook and feel like an itinerant chef cooking some days with sea views and other days, the volcano, or go out to explore, at your leisure, the city or town where we are and choose the restaurant or bar that you most fancy. No eating in places where you are forced to eat.

Each trip is thought out in detail so that you and your friends and family can enjoy it to the fullest. This means that the activities and the group of people selected are aimed at a specific age range. There are two group options, from 25 to 45 years old and from 45 onwards. But hey! We are not strict, if you have any doubts and you don't know which one to go to, contact us and we will help you.

Please note that you will only get 100% of your money back if Karibú Campers cancels the trip.

Now, if you want to cancel your trip once you have paid for it in part or in full, check our terms and conditions.

Landscapes from the trip